19 April 2024 – What have I learned today?

Deuteronomy Chapter 32: Verses 46-47 (NIV-UK)

 He said to them, ‘Take to heart all the words I have solemnly declared to you this day, so that you may command your children to obey carefully all the words of this law. They are not just idle words for you – they are your life. By them you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.’

Some people like to talk. But are their words worth listening to? We’ve all heard about, or maybe even know someone who can “talk the talk but not walk the walk”. In such cases, sooner or later they are generally found out when their actions don’t match their actions.

An example of this can often be seen playing out on the BBC programme, “The Apprentice.” Young and sometimes over-confident candidates set out to impress Lord Alan Sugar in order to have him as their business partner. There are usually a lot of promises made about their skills and abilities which are then put to the test by a number of tasks. This is when we find out the truth of the words spoken, and the results often don’t match up to what was promised!

It’s sometimes evident when someone is speaking rashly, and in such instances, we don’t pay any attention to what they say. Perhaps we have done so in the past and were let down. We are less inclined to believe them another time.

God however, doesn’t make idle promises. Moses reminded the Israelites in his final words, spoken under God’s anointing, of all the things that God had told them in the past that had come to fruition, and all the things that would happen in the future if they followed His commands, but also what would happen if they didn’t. We have the benefit of hindsight, and history shows us that everything that God said came to pass.

 God’s word and everything contained in the Bible can be totally and completely relied upon. But in order for them to make a difference to our lives we need to actually pay attention to them and do as they tell us to. I know whose word I can trust, and I put God’s word at the head of that list.

Dear Lord,

I’m grateful that Your words can be relied upon and totally trusted. Help me then to stand on them and carry them out in order to see Your hand at work in my life. I ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.



