20 April 2024 – What have I learned today?

Luke Chapter 20: Verses 39-40 (NIV-UK)

Some of the teachers of the law responded, ‘Well said, teacher!’  And no one dared to ask him any more questions.

Jesus had just corrected some Sadducees on their understanding of the resurrection. They were at odds with some of the other teachers of the law. Some people would perhaps say that this support for Jesus’ lesson was just because these teachers of the law felt He had justified their own beliefs. I hope not. I hope the response was genuinely meant to be encouraging and not just an opportunity for the teachers of the law to say, “I told you so.” Jesus, on the other hand, dealt with the misconception very graciously.

How do we react if we see someone being corrected, even if we feel the correction is justified? Do we think they are getting their just desserts, and say, “that showed them!” That’s not how Jesus would expect us to respond. And if we have to correct someone on any point, not just on a matter of theology, we need to do it in the same gracious manner that Jesus would. It helps to recall that old saying, “There, but for the grace of God go I.”

We also need to remember that at some time, because we are all human, the shoe will be on the other foot, and it is our turn to be corrected. If the correction is also justified, we need also to accept the correction humbly and graciously. If the correction is unjust, we also need to be gracious, and be led by God’s Spirit with regards to how we should respond.

 Sometimes the thing that keeps people away from church is the way that we deal with differences in theology. The wrong attitude can turn people away from the very person we want them to get to know. So, let’s always take care to deal with such matters, if they become an issue, with grace and understanding. And to end with a positive thought, if the commendation from the teachers of the law was genuine, then it’s worth also remembering to take the time to encourage anyone who takes a stand for what is right and just, and especially with regards to sharing the things of God. It’s not an easy thing to do in this modern climate.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for dealing with me with grace and compassion when I need correction. Help me to do the same with others. I ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.



