21 April 2024 – What have I learned today?

Proverbs 10: Verse 17 (NIV)

Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.

It’s never easy taking correction. We see at an early age with young children that there are often tears when they are disciplined, usually because they don’t yet fully appreciate the consequences of their actions. But those of us who are older need to accept correction with good grace, and perhaps consider what might have happened if someone hadn’t been wise enough to set us on the right road. However, it seems to me that the way we are corrected makes all the difference, and sometimes it’s that which needs a bit of work. If we try to correct someone and we are unable to control our anger when doing so, then we may put someone on the defence. It’s important to remember how Jesus put people right, as we saw in yesterday’s verse. God is never harsh when He corrects us so neither should we be. I just need to think of all the times I have come before God in prayer and said, “Lord, I’ve done it again…” Yet He never turns me away. The other thing we need to remember is that once we have either been corrected or have given correction, we need to draw a line under things and move on. We can’t keep bringing things up again and again, and if a genuine and sincere apology has been offered, we accept it and never hold a grudge. That’s what makes us grow and leads to life.

However, if we ignore proper correction and decide to carry on doing our own thing, regardless of the consequences to others and to ourselves, we may cause others to think, “well if they can get away with it so can I.” Similarly, if someone is not corrected as they should be, it can lead to a sense of unfairness. God is ALWAYS fair and just, and as His ambassador we must be the same.

All of this makes me consider how graciously God deals with us and how we need to accept the correction and instruction in the same manner. God never gives up on us and He loves just as we are. Jesus paid too high a price to give us the opportunity to have that relationship. But He also loves us too much to leave us that way.

Dear Lord, I’m truly thankful for Your graceful correction, that is just and right and never harsh. May I accept it in the same spirit and remember to do likewise if I have to correct anyone else. I ask in Jesus’ Name.



