28 April 2024 – What have I learned today?

John Chapter 1 verse 12 (NIV-UK)

 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

John Chapter 1 verse 16(NIV-UK)

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.

We are living in a time now where most of the western world are aware of their rights, even those of a very young age. We seem to have developed into a very entitled generation. I looked up the legal definition of ‘rights’ and found this: A power or privilege held by the general public as the result of a constitution, statute, regulation, judicial precedent, or other type of law. And many of us are quick to claim our right to whatever it is. However, some are given to us automatically whilst we sometimes have to lay claim to others. For example, I have the right to vote in an election but I have to ensure that I am registered to vote, otherwise I can’t exercise that right. A child who has been legally adopted is entitled to use their adopted parent’s name and be called their son or daughter.

John tells us as he opens his gospel that anyone who believes in Jesus and has received Him as Lord and Saviour has the right to become a child of God. But that right is not because of anything that we have done ourselves. It’s only by grace that we are able to do so, and we don’t get this right automatically – we must first trust and believe. It’s sad that when so many people are aware of their rights and make every effort to claim everything that they are entitled to, the same doesn’t apply to the right to be a Child of God. That’s why those of us who have claimed that right need to be a bit more vocal about what others are missing out on.

Dear Lord,

I am so grateful for the right to be called Your child and for the grace and sacrifice that has made that possible. Help me to make sure others are aware that they too can have that right and that they know how to claim it. I ask in Jesus’ Name. Amen.



